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* New translations ja-jp.yml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations ja-jp.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations ja-jp.yml (English)

* New translations ja-jp.yml (Catalan)

* New translations ja-jp.yml (Italian)

* New translations ja-jp.yml (Italian)

* New translations ja-jp.yml (Catalan)
This commit is contained in:
syuilo 2025-03-19 19:18:14 +09:00 committed by GitHub
parent 69ad3cf89b
commit aff03708a7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
5 changed files with 54 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ userSaysSomethingAbout: "{name} està parlant sobre \"{word}\""
makeActive: "Activar"
display: "Veure"
copy: "Copiar"
copiedToClipboard: "Copiat al porta papers"
metrics: "Mètriques"
overview: "Visió General"
logs: "Registres"
@ -1139,7 +1140,7 @@ channelArchiveConfirmDescription: "Un Canal arxivat no apareixerà a la llista d
thisChannelArchived: "Aquest Canal ha sigut arxivat."
displayOfNote: "Mostrar notes"
initialAccountSetting: "Configuració del perfil"
youFollowing: "Seguint"
youFollowing: "Segueixes "
preventAiLearning: "Descartar l'ús d'aprenentatge automàtic (IA Generativa)"
preventAiLearningDescription: "Demanar els indexadors no fer servir els texts, imatges, etc. en cap conjunt de dades per alimentar l'aprenentatge automàtic (IA Predictiva/ Generativa). Això s'aconsegueix afegint la etiqueta \"noai\" com a resposta HTML al contingut corresponent. Prevenir aquest ús totalment pot ser que no sigui aconseguit, ja que molts indexadors poden obviar aquesta etiqueta."
options: "Opcions"
@ -1332,6 +1333,7 @@ preferenceSyncConflictChoiceCancel: "Cancel·lar l'activació de la sincronitzac
paste: "Pegar"
emojiPalette: "Calaix d'emojis"
postForm: "Formulari de publicació"
textCount: "Nombre de caràcters "
palettes: "Calaixos d'emojis"
enableSyncBetweenDevicesForPalettes: "Activa la sincronització dels calaixos d'emojis entre dispositius"
@ -1355,6 +1357,8 @@ _settings:
appearanceBanner: "Pots configurar les preferències relacionades amb la visualització i l'aspecte del client segons el teu parer."
soundsBanner: "Configuració dels sons que reproduirà el client."
timelineAndNote: "Línia de temps i nota"
makeEveryTextElementsSelectable: "Fes que tots els elements del text siguin seleccionables"
makeEveryTextElementsSelectable_description: "L'activació pot reduir la usabilitat en determinades ocasions."
profileName: "Nom del perfil"
profileNameDescription: "Estableix un nom que identifiqui aquest dispositiu."
@ -2519,6 +2523,7 @@ _notification:
achievementEarned: "Assoliment desbloquejat"
exportCompleted: "Exportació completada"
login: "Iniciar sessió"
createToken: "Creació de tokens d'accés "
test: "Prova la notificació"
app: "Notificacions d'aplicacions"

View File

@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ userSaysSomethingAbout: "{name} said something about \"{word}\""
makeActive: "Activate"
display: "Display"
copy: "Copy"
copiedToClipboard: "Copied to clipboard"
metrics: "Metrics"
overview: "Overview"
logs: "Logs"
@ -1323,7 +1324,21 @@ untitled: "Untitled"
noName: "No name"
skip: "Skip"
restore: "Restore"
syncBetweenDevices: "Sync between devices"
preferenceSyncConflictTitle: "The configured value exists on the server."
preferenceSyncConflictText: "The sync enabled settings will save their values to the server. However, there are existing values on the server. Which set of values would you like to overwrite?"
preferenceSyncConflictChoiceServer: "Configured value on server"
preferenceSyncConflictChoiceDevice: "Configured value on device"
preferenceSyncConflictChoiceCancel: "Cancel enabling sync"
paste: "Paste"
emojiPalette: "Emoji palette"
postForm: "Posting form"
textCount: "Character count"
palettes: "Palette"
enableSyncBetweenDevicesForPalettes: "Enable palette sync between devices"
paletteForMain: "Main palette"
paletteForReaction: "Reaction palette"
driveBanner: "You can manage and configure the drive, check usage, and configure file upload settings."
pluginBanner: "You can extend client features with plugins. You can install plugins, configure and manage individually."
@ -1341,6 +1356,9 @@ _settings:
preferencesBanner: "You can configure the overall behavior of the client according to your preferences."
appearanceBanner: "You can configure the appearance and display settings for the client according to your preferences."
soundsBanner: "You can configure the sound settings for playback in the client."
timelineAndNote: "Timeline and note"
makeEveryTextElementsSelectable: "Make all text elements selectable"
makeEveryTextElementsSelectable_description: "Enabling this may reduce usability in some situations."
profileName: "Profile name"
profileNameDescription: "Set a name that identifies this device."
@ -2505,6 +2523,7 @@ _notification:
achievementEarned: "Achievement unlocked"
exportCompleted: "The export has been completed"
login: "Sign In"
createToken: "Create access token"
test: "Notification test"
app: "Notifications from linked apps"
@ -2532,6 +2551,7 @@ _deck:
useSimpleUiForNonRootPages: "Use simple UI for navigated pages"
usedAsMinWidthWhenFlexible: "Minimum width will be used for this when the \"Auto-adjust width\" option is enabled"
flexible: "Auto-adjust width"
enableSyncBetweenDevicesForProfiles: "Enable profile information sync between devices"
main: "Main"
widgets: "Widgets"

View File

@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ userSaysSomethingAbout: "{name} ha Notato a riguardo di \"{word}\""
makeActive: "Attiva"
display: "Visualizza"
copy: "Copia"
copiedToClipboard: "Copiato negli appunti"
metrics: "Statistiche"
overview: "Anteprima"
logs: "Log"
@ -973,7 +974,7 @@ check: "Verifica"
driveCapOverrideLabel: "Modificare la capienza del Drive per questo profilo"
driveCapOverrideCaption: "Se viene specificato meno di 0, viene annullato."
requireAdminForView: "Per visualizzarli, è necessario aver effettuato l'accesso con un profilo amministratore."
isSystemAccount: "Questi profili vengono creati e gestiti automaticamente dal sistema"
isSystemAccount: "Si tratta di un profilo creato e gestito automaticamente dal sistema."
typeToConfirm: "Digita {x} per continuare"
deleteAccount: "Eliminazione profilo"
document: "Documentazione"
@ -1323,7 +1324,21 @@ untitled: "Senza titolo"
noName: "Senza nome"
skip: "Salta"
restore: "Ripristina"
syncBetweenDevices: "Sincronizzazione tra i dispositivi"
preferenceSyncConflictTitle: "Sul server esiste già il valore impostato"
preferenceSyncConflictText: "Le impostazione sincronizzata salverà il valore sul server. Però, bada che esiste già un valore sul server. Quale vorresti sovrascrivere?"
preferenceSyncConflictChoiceServer: "Valore del server"
preferenceSyncConflictChoiceDevice: "Valore del dispositivo"
preferenceSyncConflictChoiceCancel: "Annulla la sincronizzazione"
paste: "Incolla"
emojiPalette: "Tavolozza emoji"
postForm: "Finestra di pubblicazione"
textCount: "Il numero di caratteri"
palettes: "Tavolozza"
enableSyncBetweenDevicesForPalettes: "Attiva la sincronizzazione tra dispositivi"
paletteForMain: "Tavolozza principale"
paletteForReaction: "Tavolozza per reazioni"
driveBanner: "Permette di gestire e configurare il Drive, controllare il consumo di spazio e configurare il caricamento dei file."
pluginBanner: "Consentono di migliorare le funzionalità. Le estensioni si possono configurare e gestire singolarmente."
@ -1341,6 +1356,9 @@ _settings:
preferencesBanner: "Puoi personalizzare il comportamento del tuo dispositivo."
appearanceBanner: "Puoi personalizzare l'aspetto nel dispositivo, in base alle tue preferenze."
soundsBanner: "Puoi personalizzare i suoni emessi dagli eventi sul tuo dispositivo."
timelineAndNote: "Note e Timeline"
makeEveryTextElementsSelectable: "Imposta ogni elemento come selezionabile"
makeEveryTextElementsSelectable_description: "Potrebbe ridurre l'usabilità in alcune situazioni."
profileName: "Nome del profilo"
profileNameDescription: "Impostare il nome che indentifica questo dispositivo."
@ -2505,6 +2523,7 @@ _notification:
achievementEarned: "Risultato raggiunto"
exportCompleted: "Esportazione completata"
login: "Accessi"
createToken: "Creare un token di accesso"
test: "Notifiche di test"
app: "Notifiche da applicazioni"
@ -2532,6 +2551,7 @@ _deck:
useSimpleUiForNonRootPages: "Visualizza sotto pagine con interfaccia web semplice"
usedAsMinWidthWhenFlexible: "Se \"larghezza flessibile\" è abilitato, questa diventa la larghezza minima"
flexible: "Larghezza flessibile"
enableSyncBetweenDevicesForProfiles: "Abilita la sincronizzazione delle informazioni profilo tra dispositivi"
main: "Principale"
widgets: "Riquadri"

View File

@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ userSaysSomethingAbout: "{name} 说了关于「{word}」的什么"
makeActive: "启用"
display: "显示"
copy: "复制"
copiedToClipboard: "已复制到剪贴板"
metrics: "指标"
overview: "概览"
logs: "日志"
@ -1332,6 +1333,7 @@ preferenceSyncConflictChoiceCancel: "取消同步"
paste: "粘贴"
emojiPalette: "表情符号调色板"
postForm: "投稿窗口"
textCount: "字数"
palettes: "调色板"
enableSyncBetweenDevicesForPalettes: "启用调色板的设备间同步"

View File

@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ userSaysSomethingAbout: "{name} 說了一些關於「{word}」的話"
makeActive: "啟用"
display: "檢視"
copy: "複製"
copiedToClipboard: "已複製到剪貼簿"
metrics: "指標"
overview: "概覽"
logs: "日誌"
@ -1332,6 +1333,7 @@ preferenceSyncConflictChoiceCancel: "取消啟用同步"
paste: "貼上"
emojiPalette: "表情符號調色盤"
postForm: "發文視窗"
textCount: "字數"
palettes: "調色盤"
enableSyncBetweenDevicesForPalettes: "啟用裝置與裝置之間的調色盤同步化"
@ -1355,6 +1357,8 @@ _settings:
appearanceBanner: "您可以根據喜好設定與用戶端外觀和顯示方式相關的設定。"
soundsBanner: "您可以調整用戶端播放的聲音設定。"
timelineAndNote: "時間軸及貼文"
makeEveryTextElementsSelectable: "允許選取所有文字"
makeEveryTextElementsSelectable_description: "啟用此功能後,可能會在某些情境下降低可用性。"
profileName: "設定檔案名稱"
profileNameDescription: "設定一個名稱來識別此裝置。"
@ -2519,6 +2523,7 @@ _notification:
achievementEarned: "獲得成就"
exportCompleted: "已完成匯出。"
login: "登入"
createToken: "建立存取權杖"
test: "通知測試"
app: "應用程式通知"