
373 lines
9.6 KiB

import autobind from 'autobind-decorator';
import * as CRC32 from 'crc-32';
import { publishReversiGameStream } from '../../../../../services/stream';
import Reversi from '../../../../../games/reversi/core';
import * as maps from '../../../../../games/reversi/maps';
import Channel from '../../channel';
import { ReversiGame } from '../../../../../models/entities/games/reversi/game';
import { ReversiGames, Users } from '../../../../../models';
import { User } from '../../../../../models/entities/user';
export default class extends Channel {
public readonly chName = 'gamesReversiGame';
public static shouldShare = false;
public static requireCredential = false;
private gameId: ReversiGame['id'] | null = null;
private watchers: Record<User['id'], Date> = {};
private emitWatchersIntervalId: any;
public async init(params: any) {
this.gameId = params.gameId;
// Subscribe game stream
this.subscriber.on(`reversiGameStream:${this.gameId}`, this.onEvent);
this.emitWatchersIntervalId = setInterval(this.emitWatchers, 5000);
const game = await ReversiGames.findOne(this.gameId!);
if (game == null) throw new Error('game not found');
// 観戦者イベント
private onEvent(data: any) {
if (data.type === 'watching') {
const id = data.body;
this.watchers[id] = new Date();
} else {
private async emitWatchers() {
const now = new Date();
// Remove not watching users
for (const [userId, date] of Object.entries(this.watchers)) {
if (now.getTime() - date.getTime() > 5000) delete this.watchers[userId];
const users = await Users.packMany(Object.keys(this.watchers), null, { detail: false });
type: 'watchers',
body: users,
public dispose() {
// Unsubscribe events
this.subscriber.off(`reversiGameStream:${this.gameId}`, this.onEvent);
public onMessage(type: string, body: any) {
switch (type) {
case 'accept': this.accept(true); break;
case 'cancelAccept': this.accept(false); break;
case 'updateSettings': this.updateSettings(body.key, body.value); break;
case 'initForm': this.initForm(body); break;
case 'updateForm': this.updateForm(body.id, body.value); break;
case 'message': this.message(body); break;
case 'set': this.set(body.pos); break;
case 'check': this.check(body.crc32); break;
private async updateSettings(key: string, value: any) {
if (this.user == null) return;
const game = await ReversiGames.findOne(this.gameId!);
if (game == null) throw new Error('game not found');
if (game.isStarted) return;
if ((game.user1Id !== this.user.id) && (game.user2Id !== this.user.id)) return;
if ((game.user1Id === this.user.id) && game.user1Accepted) return;
if ((game.user2Id === this.user.id) && game.user2Accepted) return;
if (!['map', 'bw', 'isLlotheo', 'canPutEverywhere', 'loopedBoard'].includes(key)) return;
await ReversiGames.update(this.gameId!, {
[key]: value
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'updateSettings', {
key: key,
value: value
private async initForm(form: any) {
if (this.user == null) return;
const game = await ReversiGames.findOne(this.gameId!);
if (game == null) throw new Error('game not found');
if (game.isStarted) return;
if ((game.user1Id !== this.user.id) && (game.user2Id !== this.user.id)) return;
const set = game.user1Id === this.user.id ? {
form1: form
} : {
form2: form
await ReversiGames.update(this.gameId!, set);
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'initForm', {
userId: this.user.id,
private async updateForm(id: string, value: any) {
if (this.user == null) return;
const game = await ReversiGames.findOne(this.gameId!);
if (game == null) throw new Error('game not found');
if (game.isStarted) return;
if ((game.user1Id !== this.user.id) && (game.user2Id !== this.user.id)) return;
const form = game.user1Id === this.user.id ? game.form2 : game.form1;
const item = form.find((i: any) => i.id == id);
if (item == null) return;
item.value = value;
const set = game.user1Id === this.user.id ? {
form2: form
} : {
form1: form
await ReversiGames.update(this.gameId!, set);
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'updateForm', {
userId: this.user.id,
private async message(message: any) {
if (this.user == null) return;
message.id = Math.random();
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'message', {
userId: this.user.id,
private async accept(accept: boolean) {
if (this.user == null) return;
const game = await ReversiGames.findOne(this.gameId!);
if (game == null) throw new Error('game not found');
if (game.isStarted) return;
let bothAccepted = false;
if (game.user1Id === this.user.id) {
await ReversiGames.update(this.gameId!, {
user1Accepted: accept
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'changeAccepts', {
user1: accept,
user2: game.user2Accepted
if (accept && game.user2Accepted) bothAccepted = true;
} else if (game.user2Id === this.user.id) {
await ReversiGames.update(this.gameId!, {
user2Accepted: accept
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'changeAccepts', {
user1: game.user1Accepted,
user2: accept
if (accept && game.user1Accepted) bothAccepted = true;
} else {
if (bothAccepted) {
// 3秒後、まだacceptされていたらゲーム開始
setTimeout(async () => {
const freshGame = await ReversiGames.findOne(this.gameId!);
if (freshGame == null || freshGame.isStarted || freshGame.isEnded) return;
if (!freshGame.user1Accepted || !freshGame.user2Accepted) return;
let bw: number;
if (freshGame.bw == 'random') {
bw = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : 2;
} else {
bw = parseInt(freshGame.bw, 10);
function getRandomMap() {
const mapCount = Object.entries(maps).length;
const rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * mapCount);
return Object.values(maps)[rnd].data;
const map = freshGame.map != null ? freshGame.map : getRandomMap();
await ReversiGames.update(this.gameId!, {
startedAt: new Date(),
isStarted: true,
black: bw,
map: map
//#region 盤面に最初から石がないなどして始まった瞬間に勝敗が決定する場合があるのでその処理
const o = new Reversi(map, {
isLlotheo: freshGame.isLlotheo,
canPutEverywhere: freshGame.canPutEverywhere,
loopedBoard: freshGame.loopedBoard
if (o.isEnded) {
let winner;
if (o.winner === true) {
winner = freshGame.black == 1 ? freshGame.user1Id : freshGame.user2Id;
} else if (o.winner === false) {
winner = freshGame.black == 1 ? freshGame.user2Id : freshGame.user1Id;
} else {
winner = null;
await ReversiGames.update(this.gameId!, {
isEnded: true,
winnerId: winner
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'ended', {
winnerId: winner,
game: await ReversiGames.pack(this.gameId!, this.user)
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'started',
await ReversiGames.pack(this.gameId!, this.user));
}, 3000);
// 石を打つ
private async set(pos: number) {
if (this.user == null) return;
const game = await ReversiGames.findOne(this.gameId!);
if (game == null) throw new Error('game not found');
if (!game.isStarted) return;
if (game.isEnded) return;
if ((game.user1Id !== this.user.id) && (game.user2Id !== this.user.id)) return;
const myColor =
((game.user1Id === this.user.id) && game.black == 1) || ((game.user2Id === this.user.id) && game.black == 2)
? true
: false;
const o = new Reversi(game.map, {
isLlotheo: game.isLlotheo,
canPutEverywhere: game.canPutEverywhere,
loopedBoard: game.loopedBoard
// 盤面の状態を再生
for (const log of game.logs) {
o.put(log.color, log.pos);
if (o.turn !== myColor) return;
if (!o.canPut(myColor, pos)) return;
o.put(myColor, pos);
let winner;
if (o.isEnded) {
if (o.winner === true) {
winner = game.black == 1 ? game.user1Id : game.user2Id;
} else if (o.winner === false) {
winner = game.black == 1 ? game.user2Id : game.user1Id;
} else {
winner = null;
const log = {
at: new Date(),
color: myColor,
const crc32 = CRC32.str(game.logs.map(x => x.pos.toString()).join('') + pos.toString()).toString();
await ReversiGames.update(this.gameId!, {
isEnded: o.isEnded,
winnerId: winner,
logs: game.logs
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'set', Object.assign(log, {
next: o.turn
if (o.isEnded) {
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'ended', {
winnerId: winner,
game: await ReversiGames.pack(this.gameId!, this.user)
private async check(crc32: string | number) {
const game = await ReversiGames.findOne(this.gameId!);
if (game == null) throw new Error('game not found');
if (!game.isStarted) return;
if (crc32.toString() !== game.crc32) {
this.send('rescue', await ReversiGames.pack(game, this.user));
// ついでに観戦者イベントを発行
private watch(game: ReversiGame) {
if (this.user != null) {
if ((game.user1Id !== this.user.id) && (game.user2Id !== this.user.id)) {
publishReversiGameStream(this.gameId!, 'watching', this.user.id);