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<template #header>{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.title }}</template>
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<MkLoading v-if="iframeLoading" :class="$style.embedCodeGenPreviewSpinner"/>
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<div :class="$style.embedCodeGenPreviewTitle">{{ i18n.ts.preview }}</div>
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:style="{ transform: iframeStyle }"
:style="{ height: `${iframeHeight}px` }"
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<template #label>{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.maxHeight }}</template>
<template #suffix>px</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.maxHeightDescription }}</template>
<MkSelect v-model="colorMode">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.theme }}</template>
<option value="auto">{{ i18n.ts.syncDeviceDarkMode }}</option>
<option value="light">{{ i18n.ts.light }}</option>
<option value="dark">{{ i18n.ts.dark }}</option>
<MkSwitch v-if="isEmbedWithScrollbar" v-model="header">{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.header }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-if="isEmbedWithScrollbar" v-model="autoload">{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.autoload }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-model="rounded">{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.rounded }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-model="border">{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.border }}</MkSwitch>
<MkInfo v-if="isEmbedWithScrollbar && (!maxHeight || maxHeight <= 0)" warn>{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.maxHeightWarn }}</MkInfo>
<MkInfo v-if="typeof maxHeight === 'number' && (maxHeight <= 0 || maxHeight > 700)">{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.previewIsNotActual }}</MkInfo>
<div class="_buttons">
<MkButton :disabled="iframeLoading" @click="applyToPreview">{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.applyToPreview }}</MkButton>
<MkButton :disabled="iframeLoading" primary @click="generate">{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.generateCode }} <i class="ti ti-arrow-right"></i></MkButton>
<div v-else-if="phase === 'result'" key="result" :class="$style.embedCodeGenResultRoot">
<div :class="$style.embedCodeGenResultWrapper" class="_gaps">
<div class="_gaps_s">
<div :class="$style.embedCodeGenResultHeadingIcon"><i class="ti ti-check"></i></div>
<div :class="$style.embedCodeGenResultHeading">{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.codeGenerated }}</div>
<div :class="$style.embedCodeGenResultDescription">{{ i18n.ts._embedCodeGen.codeGeneratedDescription }}</div>
<div class="_gaps_s">
<MkCode :code="result" lang="html" :forceShow="true" :copyButton="false" :class="$style.embedCodeGenResultCode"/>
<MkButton :class="$style.embedCodeGenResultButtons" rounded primary @click="doCopy"><i class="ti ti-copy"></i> {{ i18n.ts.copy }}</MkButton>
<MkButton :class="$style.embedCodeGenResultButtons" rounded transparent @click="close">{{ i18n.ts.close }}</MkButton>
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import { shallowRef, ref, computed, nextTick, onMounted, onDeactivated, onUnmounted } from 'vue';
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import MkInput from '@/components/MkInput.vue';
import MkSelect from '@/components/MkSelect.vue';
import MkSwitch from '@/components/MkSwitch.vue';
import MkButton from '@/components/MkButton.vue';
import MkCode from '@/components/MkCode.vue';
import MkInfo from '@/components/MkInfo.vue';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js';
import { url } from '@/config.js';
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(ev: 'cancel'): void;
(ev: 'closed'): void;
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entity: EmbeddableEntity;
idOrUsername: string;
params?: EmbedParams;
//#region Modalの制御
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function cancel() {
function close() {
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//#region 埋め込みURL生成・カスタマイズ
// 本URL生成用params
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colorMode: colorMode.value === 'auto' ? undefined : colorMode.value,
rounded: rounded.value,
border: border.value,
// プレビュー用params手動で更新を掛けるのでref
const paramsForPreview = ref<EmbedParams>(props.params ?? {});
const embedPreviewUrl = computed(() => {
const _idOrUsername = props.entity === 'user-timeline' ? '@' + props.idOrUsername : props.idOrUsername;
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paramClass.set('maxHeight', maxHeight === 0 ? '500' : Math.min(maxHeight, 700).toString()); // プレビューであまりにも縮小されると見づらいため、700pxまでに制限
return `${url}/embed/${props.entity}/${_idOrUsername}${paramClass.toString() ? '?' + paramClass.toString() : ''}`;
const isEmbedWithScrollbar = computed(() => embedRouteWithScrollbar.includes(props.entity));
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const colorMode = ref<'light' | 'dark' | 'auto'>(props.params?.colorMode ?? 'auto');
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const border = ref(props.params?.border ?? true);
function applyToPreview() {
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colorMode: colorMode.value === 'auto' ? undefined : colorMode.value,
rounded: rounded.value,
border: border.value,
nextTick(() => {
if (currentPreviewUrl === embedPreviewUrl.value) {
// URLが変わらなくてもリロード
const result = ref('');
function generate() {
const _idOrUsername = props.entity === 'user-timeline' ? '@' + props.idOrUsername : props.idOrUsername;
result.value = getEmbedCode(`/embed/${props.entity}/${_idOrUsername}`, paramsForUrl.value);
phase.value = 'result';
function doCopy() {
//#region プレビューのリサイズ
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nextTick(() => {
iframeHeight.value = 0;
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payload: {
iframeId: 'embedCodeGen', // 同じタイミングで複数のembed iframeがある際の区別用なのでここではなんでもいい
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iframeHeight.value = event.data.payload.height;
nextTick(() => {
iframeLoading.value = false; // 初回の高さ変更まで待つ
function calcScale() {
if (!resizerRootEl.value) return;
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// プレビューのリセット
iframeHeight.value = 0;
iframeScale.value = 1;
iframeLoading.value = true;
result.value = '';
phase.value = 'input';
onDeactivated(() => {
onUnmounted(() => {
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