547 lines
16 KiB
547 lines
16 KiB
import { VNode, h } from 'vue';
import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js';
import MkUrl from '@/components/global/MkUrl.vue';
import MkLink from '@/components/MkLink.vue';
import MkMention from '@/components/MkMention.vue';
import MkEmoji from '@/components/global/MkEmoji.vue';
import MkCustomEmoji from '@/components/global/MkCustomEmoji.vue';
import MkEmojiKitchen from '@/components/global/MkEmojiKitchen.vue';
import MkCode from '@/components/MkCode.vue';
import MkGoogle from '@/components/MkGoogle.vue';
import MkSparkle from '@/components/MkSparkle.vue';
import MkA from '@/components/global/MkA.vue';
import { host } from '@/config';
import { defaultStore } from '@/store';
import { mixEmoji } from '@/scripts/emojiKitchen/emojiMixer';
import MkRuby from "@/components/global/MkRuby.vue";
import { nyaize } from '@/scripts/nyaize.js';
const QUOTE_STYLE = `
display: block;
margin: 8px;
padding: 6px 0 6px 12px;
color: var(--fg);
border-left: solid 3px var(--fg);
opacity: 0.7;
`.split('\n').join(' ');
const colorRegexp = /^([0-9a-f]{3,4}?|[0-9a-f]{6}?|[0-9a-f]{8}?)$/i;
function checkColorHex(text: string) {
return colorRegexp.test(text);
const gradientCounterRegExp = /^(color|step)(\d+)/;
function toGradientText(args: Record<string, string>) {
const colors: { index: number; step?: string, color?: string }[] = [];
for (const k in args) {
const matches = k.match(gradientCounterRegExp);
if (matches == null) continue;
const mindex = parseInt(matches[2]);
let i = colors.findIndex(v => v.index === mindex);
if (i === -1) {
i = colors.length;
colors.push({ index: mindex });
colors[i][matches[1]] = args[k];
let deg = parseFloat(args.deg || '90');
let res = `linear-gradient(${deg}deg`;
for (const colorProp of colors.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index)) {
let color = colorProp.color;
if (!color || !checkColorHex(color)) color = 'f00';
let step = parseFloat(colorProp.step ?? '');
let stepText = isNaN(step) ? '' : ` ${step}%`;
res += `, #${color}${stepText}`;
return res + ')';
export default function(props: {
text: string;
plain?: boolean;
nowrap?: boolean;
author?: Misskey.entities.UserLite;
i?: Misskey.entities.UserLite;
isNote?: boolean;
emojiUrls?: string[];
rootScale?: number;
}) {
const isNote = props.isNote !== undefined ? props.isNote : true;
if (props.text == null || props.text === '') return;
const ast = (props.plain ? mfm.parseSimple : mfm.parse)(props.text);
const validTime = (t: string | null | undefined) => {
if (t == null || typeof t === 'boolean') return null;
return t.match(/^[0-9.]+s$/) ? t : null;
const useAnim = defaultStore.state.advancedMfm && defaultStore.state.animatedMfm;
* Gen Vue Elements from MFM AST
* @param ast MFM AST
* @param scale How times large the text is
const genEl = (ast: mfm.MfmNode[], scale: number, disableNyaize = false) => ast.map((token): VNode | string | (VNode | string)[] => {
switch (token.type) {
case 'text': {
let text = token.props.text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, '\n');
if (!disableNyaize && props.author?.isCat) {
text = nyaize(text);
if (!props.plain) {
const res: (VNode | string)[] = [];
for (const t of text.split('\n')) {
return res;
} else {
return [text.replace(/\n/g, ' ')];
case 'bold': {
return [h('b', genEl(token.children, scale))];
case 'strike': {
return [h('del', genEl(token.children, scale))];
case 'italic': {
return h('i', {
style: 'font-style: oblique;',
}, genEl(token.children, scale));
case 'fn': {
// TODO: CSSを文字列で組み立てていくと token.props.args.~~~ 経由でCSSインジェクションできるのでよしなにやる
let style;
switch (token.props.name) {
case 'tada': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) ?? '1s';
style = 'font-size: 150%;' + (useAnim ? `animation: tada ${speed} linear infinite both;` : '');
case 'jelly': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) ?? '1s';
style = (useAnim ? `animation: mfm-rubberBand ${speed} linear infinite both;` : '');
case 'twitch': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) ?? '0.5s';
style = useAnim ? `animation: mfm-twitch ${speed} ease infinite;` : '';
case 'shake': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) ?? '0.5s';
style = useAnim ? `animation: mfm-shake ${speed} ease infinite;` : '';
case 'spin': {
const direction =
token.props.args.left ? 'reverse' :
token.props.args.alternate ? 'alternate' :
const anime =
token.props.args.x ? 'mfm-spinX' :
token.props.args.y ? 'mfm-spinY' :
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) ?? '1.5s';
style = useAnim ? `animation: ${anime} ${speed} linear infinite; animation-direction: ${direction};` : '';
case 'jump': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) ?? '0.75s';
style = useAnim ? `animation: mfm-jump ${speed} linear infinite;` : '';
case 'bounce': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) ?? '0.75s';
style = useAnim ? `animation: mfm-bounce ${speed} linear infinite; transform-origin: center bottom;` : '';
case 'flip': {
const transform =
(token.props.args.h && token.props.args.v) ? 'scale(-1, -1)' :
token.props.args.v ? 'scaleY(-1)' :
style = `transform: ${transform};`;
case 'x2': {
return h('span', {
class: defaultStore.state.advancedMfm ? 'mfm-x2' : '',
}, genEl(token.children, scale * 2));
case 'x3': {
return h('span', {
class: defaultStore.state.advancedMfm ? 'mfm-x3' : '',
}, genEl(token.children, scale * 3));
case 'x4': {
return h('span', {
class: defaultStore.state.advancedMfm ? 'mfm-x4' : '',
}, genEl(token.children, scale * 4));
case 'font': {
const family =
token.props.args.serif ? 'serif' :
token.props.args.monospace ? 'monospace' :
token.props.args.cursive ? 'cursive' :
token.props.args.fantasy ? 'fantasy' :
token.props.args.emoji ? 'emoji' :
token.props.args.math ? 'math' :
if (family) style = `font-family: ${family};`;
case 'blur': {
const radius = parseFloat(token.props.args.rad ?? '6');
return h('span', {
class: '_mfm_blur_',
style: `--blur-px: ${radius}px;`
}, genEl(token.children, scale));
case 'rainbow': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) ?? '1s';
style = useAnim ? `animation: mfm-rainbow ${speed} linear infinite;` : '';
case 'sparkle': {
if (!useAnim) {
return genEl(token.children, scale);
return h(MkSparkle, {}, genEl(token.children, scale));
case 'rotate': {
const degrees = parseFloat(token.props.args.deg ?? '90');
let rotateText = `rotate(${degrees}deg)`;
if (!token.props.args.deg && (token.props.args.x || token.props.args.y || token.props.args.z)) {
rotateText = '';
if (token.props.args.x) {
const degrees = parseFloat(token.props.args.x ?? '0');
rotateText += ` rotateX(${degrees}deg)`;
if (token.props.args.y) {
const degrees = parseFloat(token.props.args.y ?? '0');
rotateText += ` rotateY(${degrees}deg)`;
if (token.props.args.z) {
const degrees = parseFloat(token.props.args.z ?? '0');
rotateText += ` rotateZ(${degrees}deg)`;
style = `transform: ${rotateText}; transform-origin: center center;`;
case 'position': {
if (!defaultStore.state.advancedMfm) break;
const x = parseFloat(token.props.args.x ?? '0');
const y = parseFloat(token.props.args.y ?? '0');
style = `transform: translateX(${x}em) translateY(${y}em);`;
case 'scale': {
if (!defaultStore.state.advancedMfm) {
style = '';
const x = Math.min(parseFloat(token.props.args.x ?? '1'), 5);
const y = Math.min(parseFloat(token.props.args.y ?? '1'), 5);
style = `transform: scale(${x}, ${y});`;
scale = scale * Math.max(x, y);
case 'skew': {
if (!defaultStore.state.advancedMfm) {
style = '';
const x = parseFloat(token.props.args.x ?? '0');
const y = parseFloat(token.props.args.y ?? '0');
style = `transform: skew(${x}deg, ${y}deg);`;
case 'fgg': {
if (!defaultStore.state.advancedMfm) break;
style = `-webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; background-image: ${toGradientText(token.props.args)};`
case 'fg': {
let color = token.props.args.color;
if (!checkColorHex(color)) color = 'f00';
style = `color: #${color};`;
case 'bgg': {
if (!defaultStore.state.advancedMfm) break;
style = `background-image: ${toGradientText(token.props.args)};`
case 'bg': {
let color = token.props.args.color;
if (!checkColorHex(color)) color = 'f00';
style = `background-color: #${color};`;
case 'clip': {
if (!defaultStore.state.advancedMfm) break;
let path = '';
if (token.props.args.circle) {
const percent = parseFloat(token.props.args.circle ?? '');
const percentText = isNaN(percent) ? '' : `${percent}%`;
path = `circle(${percentText})`;
else {
const top = parseFloat(token.props.args.t ?? '0');
const bottom = parseFloat(token.props.args.b ?? '0');
const left = parseFloat(token.props.args.l ?? '0');
const right = parseFloat(token.props.args.r ?? '0');
path = `inset(${top}% ${right}% ${bottom}% ${left}%)`;
style = `clip-path: ${path};`;
case 'move': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) ?? '1s';
const fromX = parseFloat(token.props.args.fromx ?? '0');
const fromY = parseFloat(token.props.args.fromy ?? '0');
const toX = parseFloat(token.props.args.tox ?? '0');
const toY = parseFloat(token.props.args.toy ?? '0');
const ease =
token.props.args.ease ? 'ease' :
token.props.args.easein ? 'ease-in' :
token.props.args.easeout ? 'ease-out' :
token.props.args.easeinout ? 'ease-in-out' :
const delay = validTime(token.props.args.delay) ?? '0s';
const direction =
token.props.args.rev && token.props.args.once ? 'reverse' :
token.props.args.rev ? 'alternate-reverse' :
token.props.args.once ? 'normal' :
style = useAnim ? `--move-fromX: ${fromX}em; --move-fromY: ${fromY}em; --move-toX: ${toX}em; --move-toY: ${toY}em; animation: ${speed} ${ease} ${delay} infinite ${direction} mfm-move;` : '';
case 'ruby': {
if (token.children.length === 1 ){
const base = token.children[0].props.text.split(/[ ]+/);
if (base.length !== 2 ){
style = null;
return h(MkRuby,{
}else if(token.children.length === 2){
let txt,base;
if (token.children[1].type === 'emojiCode'){
txt = token.children[1].props.name
}else if(token.children[1].type === 'unicodeEmoji'){
txt = token.children[1].props.emoji
}else {
txt = token.children[1].props.text
if (token.children[0].type === 'emojiCode'){
base = token.children[0].props.name
}else if(token.children[0].type === 'unicodeEmoji'){
base = token.children[0].props.emoji
}else {
base = token.children[0].props.text
return h(MkRuby,{
style = null;
case 'mix': {
const ch = token.children;
if (ch.length != 2 || ch.some(c => c.type !== 'unicodeEmoji')) {
style = null;
const emoji1 = ch[0].props.emoji;
const emoji2 = ch[1].props.emoji;
const mixedEmojiUrl = mixEmoji(emoji1, emoji2);
if (!mixedEmojiUrl) {
style = null;
return h(MkEmojiKitchen, {
key: Math.random(),
name: emoji1 + emoji2,
normal: props.plain,
url: mixedEmojiUrl
if (style == null) {
return h('span', {}, ['$[', token.props.name, ' ', ...genEl(token.children, scale), ']']);
} else {
return h('span', {
style: 'display: inline-block; ' + style,
}, genEl(token.children, scale));
case 'small': {
return [h('small', {
style: 'opacity: 0.7;',
}, genEl(token.children, scale))];
case 'center': {
return [h('div', {
style: 'text-align:center;',
}, genEl(token.children, scale))];
case 'url': {
return [h(MkUrl, {
key: Math.random(),
url: token.props.url,
rel: 'nofollow noopener',
case 'link': {
return [h(MkLink, {
key: Math.random(),
url: token.props.url,
rel: 'nofollow noopener',
}, genEl(token.children, scale, true))];
case 'mention': {
return [h(MkMention, {
key: Math.random(),
host: (token.props.host == null && props.author && props.author.host != null ? props.author.host : token.props.host) ?? host,
username: token.props.username,
case 'hashtag': {
return [h(MkA, {
key: Math.random(),
to: isNote ? `/tags/${encodeURIComponent(token.props.hashtag)}` : `/user-tags/${encodeURIComponent(token.props.hashtag)}`,
style: 'color:var(--hashtag);',
}, `#${token.props.hashtag}`)];
case 'blockCode': {
return [h(MkCode, {
key: Math.random(),
code: token.props.code,
lang: token.props.lang,
case 'inlineCode': {
return [h(MkCode, {
key: Math.random(),
code: token.props.code,
inline: true,
case 'quote': {
if (!props.nowrap) {
return [h('div', {
}, genEl(token.children, scale, true))];
} else {
return [h('span', {
}, genEl(token.children, scale, true))];
case 'emojiCode': {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
if (props.author?.host == null) {
return [h(MkCustomEmoji, {
key: Math.random(),
name: token.props.name,
normal: props.plain,
host: null,
useOriginalSize: scale >= 2.5,
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
if (props.emojiUrls && (props.emojiUrls[token.props.name] == null)) {
return [h('span', `:${token.props.name}:`)];
} else {
return [h(MkCustomEmoji, {
key: Math.random(),
name: token.props.name,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
url: props.emojiUrls ? props.emojiUrls[token.props.name] : null,
normal: props.plain,
host: props.author.host,
useOriginalSize: scale >= 2.5,
case 'unicodeEmoji': {
return [h(MkEmoji, {
key: Math.random(),
emoji: token.props.emoji,
case 'mathInline': {
return [h('code', token.props.formula)];
case 'mathBlock': {
return [h('code', token.props.formula)];
case 'search': {
return [h(MkGoogle, {
key: Math.random(),
q: token.props.query,
case 'plain': {
return [h('span', genEl(token.children, scale, true))];
default: {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
console.error('unrecognized ast type:', (token as any).type);
return [];
}).flat(Infinity) as (VNode | string)[];
return h('span', {
// https://codeday.me/jp/qa/20190424/690106.html
style: props.nowrap ? 'white-space: pre; word-wrap: normal; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;' : 'white-space: pre-wrap;',
}, genEl(ast, props.rootScale ?? 1));