299 lines
9.5 KiB
299 lines
9.5 KiB
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<MkSpacer :contentMax="600">
<div style="text-align: center;"><b><MkUserName :user="game.user1"/></b> vs <b><MkUserName :user="game.user2"/></b></div>
<div :class="{ [$style.disallow]: isReady }">
<div class="_gaps" :class="{ [$style.disallowInner]: isReady }">
<div style="font-size: 1.5em; text-align: center;">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.gameSettings }}</div>
<template v-if="game.noIrregularRules">
<div>{{ i18n.ts._reversi.disallowIrregularRules }}</div>
<template v-else>
<div class="_panel">
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 16px; border-bottom: solid 1px var(--divider);">
<div>{{ mapName }}</div>
<MkButton style="margin-left: auto;" @click="chooseMap">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.chooseBoard }}</MkButton>
<div style="padding: 16px;">
<div v-if="game.map == null"><i class="ti ti-dice"></i></div>
<div v-else :class="$style.board" :style="{ 'grid-template-rows': `repeat(${ game.map.length }, 1fr)`, 'grid-template-columns': `repeat(${ game.map[0].length }, 1fr)` }">
<div v-for="(x, i) in game.map.join('')" :class="[$style.boardCell, { [$style.boardCellNone]: x == ' ' }]" @click="onMapCellClick(i, x)">
<i v-if="x === 'b' || x === 'w'" style="pointer-events: none; user-select: none;" :class="x === 'b' ? 'ti ti-circle-filled' : 'ti ti-circle'"></i>
<MkFolder :defaultOpen="true">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts._reversi.blackOrWhite }}</template>
<MkRadios v-model="game.bw">
<option value="random">{{ i18n.ts.random }}</option>
<option :value="'1'">
<I18n :src="i18n.ts._reversi.blackIs" tag="span">
<template #name>
<b><MkUserName :user="game.user1"/></b>
<option :value="'2'">
<I18n :src="i18n.ts._reversi.blackIs" tag="span">
<template #name>
<b><MkUserName :user="game.user2"/></b>
<MkFolder :defaultOpen="true">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts._reversi.timeLimitForEachTurn }}</template>
<template #suffix>{{ game.timeLimitForEachTurn }}{{ i18n.ts._time.second }}</template>
<MkRadios v-model="game.timeLimitForEachTurn">
<option :value="5">5{{ i18n.ts._time.second }}</option>
<option :value="10">10{{ i18n.ts._time.second }}</option>
<option :value="30">30{{ i18n.ts._time.second }}</option>
<option :value="60">60{{ i18n.ts._time.second }}</option>
<option :value="90">90{{ i18n.ts._time.second }}</option>
<option :value="120">120{{ i18n.ts._time.second }}</option>
<option :value="180">180{{ i18n.ts._time.second }}</option>
<option :value="3600">3600{{ i18n.ts._time.second }}</option>
<MkFolder :defaultOpen="true">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts._reversi.rules }}</template>
<div class="_gaps_s">
<MkSwitch v-model="game.isLlotheo" @update:modelValue="updateSettings('isLlotheo')">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.isLlotheo }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-model="game.loopedBoard" @update:modelValue="updateSettings('loopedBoard')">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.loopedMap }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-model="game.canPutEverywhere" @update:modelValue="updateSettings('canPutEverywhere')">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.canPutEverywhere }}</MkSwitch>
<template #footer>
<div :class="$style.footer">
<MkSpacer :contentMax="700" :marginMin="16" :marginMax="16">
<div style="text-align: center;" class="_gaps_s">
<div v-if="opponentHasSettingsChanged" style="color: var(--warn);">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.opponentHasSettingsChanged }}</div>
<template v-if="isReady && isOpReady">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.thisGameIsStartedSoon }}<MkEllipsis/></template>
<template v-if="isReady && !isOpReady">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.waitingForOther }}<MkEllipsis/></template>
<template v-if="!isReady && isOpReady">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.waitingForMe }}</template>
<template v-if="!isReady && !isOpReady">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.waitingBoth }}<MkEllipsis/></template>
<div class="_buttonsCenter">
<MkButton rounded danger @click="cancel">{{ i18n.ts.cancel }}</MkButton>
<MkButton v-if="!isReady" rounded primary @click="ready">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.ready }}</MkButton>
<MkButton v-if="isReady" rounded @click="unready">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.cancelReady }}</MkButton>
<MkSwitch v-model="shareWhenStart">{{ i18n.ts._reversi.shareToTlTheGameWhenStart }}</MkSwitch>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, watch, ref, onMounted, shallowRef, onUnmounted } from 'vue';
import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js';
import * as Reversi from 'misskey-reversi';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js';
import { signinRequired } from '@/account.js';
import { deepClone } from '@/scripts/clone.js';
import MkButton from '@/components/MkButton.vue';
import MkRadios from '@/components/MkRadios.vue';
import MkSwitch from '@/components/MkSwitch.vue';
import MkFolder from '@/components/MkFolder.vue';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import { MenuItem } from '@/types/menu.js';
import { useRouter } from '@/router/supplier.js';
const $i = signinRequired();
const router = useRouter();
const mapCategories = Array.from(new Set(Object.values(Reversi.maps).map(x => x.category)));
const props = defineProps<{
game: Misskey.entities.ReversiGameDetailed;
connection: Misskey.ChannelConnection;
const shareWhenStart = defineModel<boolean>('shareWhenStart', { default: false });
const game = ref<Misskey.entities.ReversiGameDetailed>(deepClone(props.game));
const mapName = computed(() => {
if (game.value.map == null) return 'Random';
const found = Object.values(Reversi.maps).find(x => x.data.join('') === game.value.map.join(''));
return found ? found.name! : '-Custom-';
const isReady = computed(() => {
if (game.value.user1Id === $i.id && game.value.user1Ready) return true;
if (game.value.user2Id === $i.id && game.value.user2Ready) return true;
return false;
const isOpReady = computed(() => {
if (game.value.user1Id !== $i.id && game.value.user1Ready) return true;
if (game.value.user2Id !== $i.id && game.value.user2Ready) return true;
return false;
const opponentHasSettingsChanged = ref(false);
watch(() => game.value.bw, () => {
watch(() => game.value.timeLimitForEachTurn, () => {
function chooseMap(ev: MouseEvent) {
const menu: MenuItem[] = [];
for (const c of mapCategories) {
const maps = Object.values(Reversi.maps).filter(x => x.category === c);
if (maps.length === 0) continue;
if (c != null) {
type: 'label',
text: c,
for (const m of maps) {
text: m.name!,
action: () => {
game.value.map = m.data;
os.popupMenu(menu, ev.currentTarget ?? ev.target);
async function cancel() {
const { canceled } = await os.confirm({
type: 'warning',
text: i18n.ts.areYouSure,
if (canceled) return;
props.connection.send('cancel', {});
function ready() {
props.connection.send('ready', true);
opponentHasSettingsChanged.value = false;
function unready() {
props.connection.send('ready', false);
function onChangeReadyStates(states) {
game.value.user1Ready = states.user1;
game.value.user2Ready = states.user2;
function updateSettings(key: keyof Misskey.entities.ReversiGameDetailed) {
props.connection.send('updateSettings', {
key: key,
value: game.value[key],
function onUpdateSettings({ userId, key, value }: { userId: string; key: keyof Misskey.entities.ReversiGameDetailed; value: any; }) {
if (userId === $i.id) return;
if (game.value[key] === value) return;
game.value[key] = value;
if (isReady.value) {
opponentHasSettingsChanged.value = true;
function onMapCellClick(pos: number, pixel: string) {
const x = pos % game.value.map[0].length;
const y = Math.floor(pos / game.value.map[0].length);
const newPixel =
pixel === ' ' ? '-' :
pixel === '-' ? 'b' :
pixel === 'b' ? 'w' :
' ';
const line = game.value.map[y].split('');
line[x] = newPixel;
game.value.map[y] = line.join('');
props.connection.on('changeReadyStates', onChangeReadyStates);
props.connection.on('updateSettings', onUpdateSettings);
onUnmounted(() => {
props.connection.off('changeReadyStates', onChangeReadyStates);
props.connection.off('updateSettings', onUpdateSettings);
<style lang="scss" module>
.disallow {
cursor: not-allowed;
.disallowInner {
pointer-events: none;
user-select: none;
opacity: 0.7;
.board {
display: grid;
grid-gap: 4px;
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
margin: 0 auto;
color: var(--fg);
.boardCell {
display: grid;
place-items: center;
background: transparent;
border: solid 2px var(--divider);
border-radius: 6px;
overflow: clip;
cursor: pointer;
.boardCellNone {
border-color: transparent;
.footer {
-webkit-backdrop-filter: var(--blur, blur(15px));
backdrop-filter: var(--blur, blur(15px));
background: var(--acrylicBg);
border-top: solid 0.5px var(--divider);