import assert, { strictEqual } from 'node:assert'; import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js'; import { createAccount, deepStrictEqualWithExcludedFields, fetchAdmin, type LoginUser, resolveRemoteNote, resolveRemoteUser, sleep, uploadFile } from './utils.js'; const bAdmin = await fetchAdmin('b.test'); describe('Drive', () => { describe('Upload image in a.test and resolve from b.test', () => { let uploader: LoginUser; beforeAll(async () => { uploader = await createAccount('a.test'); }); let image: Misskey.entities.DriveFile, imageInB: Misskey.entities.DriveFile; describe('Upload', () => { beforeAll(async () => { image = await uploadFile('a.test', uploader); const noteWithImage = (await uploader.client.request('notes/create', { fileIds: [] })).createdNote; const noteInB = await resolveRemoteNote('a.test',, bAdmin); assert(noteInB.files != null); strictEqual(noteInB.files.length, 1); imageInB = noteInB.files[0]; }); test('Check consistency of DriveFile', () => { // console.log(`a.test: ${JSON.stringify(image, null, '\t')}`); // console.log(`b.test: ${JSON.stringify(imageInB, null, '\t')}`); deepStrictEqualWithExcludedFields(image, imageInB, [ 'id', 'createdAt', 'size', 'url', 'thumbnailUrl', 'userId', ]); }); }); let updatedImage: Misskey.entities.DriveFile, updatedImageInB: Misskey.entities.DriveFile; describe('Update', () => { beforeAll(async () => { updatedImage = await uploader.client.request('drive/files/update', { fileId:, name: 'updated_192.jpg', isSensitive: true, }); updatedImageInB = await bAdmin.client.request('drive/files/show', { fileId:, }); }); test('Check consistency', () => { // console.log(`a.test: ${JSON.stringify(updatedImage, null, '\t')}`); // console.log(`b.test: ${JSON.stringify(updatedImageInB, null, '\t')}`); // FIXME: not updated with `drive/files/update` strictEqual(updatedImage.isSensitive, true); strictEqual(, 'updated_192.jpg'); strictEqual(updatedImageInB.isSensitive, false); strictEqual(, '192.jpg'); }); }); let reupdatedImageInB: Misskey.entities.DriveFile; describe('Re-update with attaching to Note', () => { beforeAll(async () => { const noteWithUpdatedImage = (await uploader.client.request('notes/create', { fileIds: [] })).createdNote; const noteWithUpdatedImageInB = await resolveRemoteNote('a.test',, bAdmin); assert(noteWithUpdatedImageInB.files != null); strictEqual(noteWithUpdatedImageInB.files.length, 1); reupdatedImageInB = noteWithUpdatedImageInB.files[0]; }); test('Check consistency', () => { // console.log(`b.test: ${JSON.stringify(reupdatedImageInB, null, '\t')}`); // `isSensitive` is updated strictEqual(reupdatedImageInB.isSensitive, true); // FIXME: but `name` is not updated strictEqual(, '192.jpg'); }); }); }); describe('Sensitive flag', () => { describe('isSensitive is federated in delivering to followers', () => { let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser; let bobInA: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe, aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe; beforeAll(async () => { [alice, bob] = await Promise.all([ createAccount('a.test'), createAccount('b.test'), ]); [bobInA, aliceInB] = await Promise.all([ resolveRemoteUser('b.test',, alice), resolveRemoteUser('a.test',, bob), ]); await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: }); await sleep(); }); test('Alice uploads sensitive image and it is shown as sensitive from Bob', async () => { const file = await uploadFile('a.test', alice); await alice.client.request('drive/files/update', { fileId:, isSensitive: true }); await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: 'sensitive', fileIds: [] }); await sleep(); const notes = await bob.client.request('notes/timeline', {}); strictEqual(notes.length, 1); const noteInB = notes[0]; assert(noteInB.files != null); strictEqual(noteInB.files.length, 1); strictEqual(noteInB.files[0].isSensitive, true); }); }); describe('isSensitive is federated in resolving', () => { let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser; beforeAll(async () => { [alice, bob] = await Promise.all([ createAccount('a.test'), createAccount('b.test'), ]); }); test('Alice uploads sensitive image and it is shown as sensitive from Bob', async () => { const file = await uploadFile('a.test', alice); await alice.client.request('drive/files/update', { fileId:, isSensitive: true }); const note = (await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: 'sensitive', fileIds: [] })).createdNote; const noteInB = await resolveRemoteNote('a.test',, bob); assert(noteInB.files != null); strictEqual(noteInB.files.length, 1); strictEqual(noteInB.files[0].isSensitive, true); }); }); /** @see */ describe('isSensitive is federated in replying', () => { let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser; beforeAll(async () => { [alice, bob] = await Promise.all([ createAccount('a.test'), createAccount('b.test'), ]); }); test('Alice uploads sensitive image and it is shown as sensitive from Bob', async () => { const bobNote = (await bob.client.request('notes/create', { text: 'I\'m Bob' })).createdNote; const file = await uploadFile('a.test', alice); await alice.client.request('drive/files/update', { fileId:, isSensitive: true }); const bobNoteInA = await resolveRemoteNote('b.test',, alice); const note = (await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: 'sensitive', fileIds: [], replyId: })).createdNote; await sleep(); const noteInB = await resolveRemoteNote('a.test',, bob); assert(noteInB.files != null); strictEqual(noteInB.files.length, 1); strictEqual(noteInB.files[0].isSensitive, true); }); }); }); });