/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { FORCE_REMOUNT } from '@storybook/core-events'; import { addons } from '@storybook/preview-api'; import { type Preview, setup } from '@storybook/vue3'; import isChromatic from 'chromatic/isChromatic'; import { initialize, mswLoader } from 'msw-storybook-addon'; import { userDetailed } from './fakes.js'; import locale from './locale.js'; import { commonHandlers, onUnhandledRequest } from './mocks.js'; import themes from './themes.js'; import '../src/style.scss'; const appInitialized = Symbol(); let lastStory = null; let moduleInitialized = false; let unobserve = () => {}; let misskeyOS = null; function loadTheme(applyTheme: typeof import('../src/scripts/theme')['applyTheme']) { unobserve(); const theme = themes[document.documentElement.dataset.misskeyTheme]; if (theme) { applyTheme(themes[document.documentElement.dataset.misskeyTheme]); } else { applyTheme(themes['l-light']); } const observer = new MutationObserver((entries) => { for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.attributeName === 'data-misskey-theme') { const target = entry.target as HTMLElement; const theme = themes[target.dataset.misskeyTheme]; if (theme) { applyTheme(themes[target.dataset.misskeyTheme]); } else { target.removeAttribute('style'); } } } }); observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['data-misskey-theme'], }); unobserve = () => observer.disconnect(); } function initLocalStorage() { localStorage.clear(); localStorage.setItem('account', JSON.stringify({ ...userDetailed(), policies: {}, })); localStorage.setItem('locale', JSON.stringify(locale)); } initialize({ onUnhandledRequest, }); initLocalStorage(); queueMicrotask(() => { Promise.all([ import('../src/components'), import('../src/directives'), import('../src/widgets'), import('../src/scripts/theme'), import('../src/store'), import('../src/os'), ]).then(([{ default: components }, { default: directives }, { default: widgets }, { applyTheme }, { defaultStore }, os]) => { setup((app) => { moduleInitialized = true; if (app[appInitialized]) { return; } app[appInitialized] = true; loadTheme(applyTheme); components(app); directives(app); widgets(app); misskeyOS = os; if (isChromatic()) { defaultStore.set('animation', false); } }); }); }); const preview = { decorators: [ (Story, context) => { if (lastStory === context.id) { lastStory = null; } else { lastStory = context.id; const channel = addons.getChannel(); const resetIndexedDBPromise = globalThis.indexedDB?.databases ? indexedDB.databases().then((r) => { for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { indexedDB.deleteDatabase(r[i].name!); } }).catch(() => {}) : Promise.resolve(); const resetDefaultStorePromise = import('../src/store').then(({ defaultStore }) => { // @ts-expect-error defaultStore.init(); }).catch(() => {}); Promise.all([resetIndexedDBPromise, resetDefaultStorePromise]).then(() => { initLocalStorage(); channel.emit(FORCE_REMOUNT, { storyId: context.id }); }); } const story = Story(); if (!moduleInitialized) { const channel = addons.getChannel(); (globalThis.requestIdleCallback || setTimeout)(() => { channel.emit(FORCE_REMOUNT, { storyId: context.id }); }); } return story; }, (Story, context) => { return { setup() { return { context, popups: misskeyOS.popups, }; }, template: '' + '', }; }, ], loaders: [mswLoader], parameters: { controls: { exclude: /^__/, }, msw: { handlers: commonHandlers, }, }, } satisfies Preview; export default preview;