/* * Tests of streaming API * * How to run the tests: * > npx mocha test/streaming.ts --require ts-node/register * * To specify test: * > npx mocha test/streaming.ts --require ts-node/register -g 'test name' * * If the tests not start, try set following enviroment variables: * TS_NODE_FILES=true and TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY=true * for more details, please see: https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/issues/754 */ process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as childProcess from 'child_process'; import { connectStream, signup, request, post, launchServer } from './utils'; import { Following } from '../src/models/entities/following'; import { initDb } from '../src/db/postgre'; import { Connection } from 'typeorm'; describe('Streaming', () => { let p: childProcess.ChildProcess; let Followings: any; let connection: Connection; beforeEach(launchServer(g => p = g, async () => { connection = await initDb(true); Followings = connection.getRepository(Following); })); afterEach(() => { connection.close(); p.kill(); }); const follow = async (follower: any, followee: any) => { await Followings.save({ id: 'a', createdAt: new Date(), followerId: follower.id, followeeId: followee.id, followerHost: follower.host, followerInbox: null, followerSharedInbox: null, followeeHost: followee.host, followeeInbox: null, followeeSharedInbox: null }); }; it('mention event', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const ws = await connectStream(bob, 'main', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'mention') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, alice.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(alice, { text: 'foo @bob bar' }); })); it('renote event', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const bobNote = await post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); const ws = await connectStream(bob, 'main', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'renote') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.renoteId, bobNote.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(alice, { renoteId: bobNote.id }); })); describe('Home Timeline', () => { it('自分の投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const post = { text: 'foo' }; const me = await signup(); const ws = await connectStream(me, 'homeTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.text, post.text); ws.close(); done(); } }); request('/notes/create', post, me); })); it('フォローしているユーザーの投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); // Alice が Bob をフォロー await request('/following/create', { userId: bob.id }, alice); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'homeTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); })); it('フォローしていないユーザーの投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'homeTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); it('フォローしているユーザーのダイレクト投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); // Alice が Bob をフォロー await request('/following/create', { userId: bob.id }, alice); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'homeTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); assert.deepStrictEqual(body.text, 'foo'); ws.close(); done(); } }); // Bob が Alice 宛てのダイレクト投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'specified', visibleUserIds: [alice.id] }); })); it('フォローしているユーザーでも自分が指定されていないダイレクト投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const carol = await signup({ username: 'carol' }); // Alice が Bob をフォロー await request('/following/create', { userId: bob.id }, alice); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'homeTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); // Bob が Carol 宛てのダイレクト投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'specified', visibleUserIds: [carol.id] }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); }); describe('Local Timeline', () => { it('自分の投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const me = await signup(); const ws = await connectStream(me, 'localTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, me.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(me, { text: 'foo' }); })); it('フォローしていないローカルユーザーの投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'localTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); })); it('リモートユーザーの投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob', host: 'example.com' }); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'localTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); it('フォローしてたとしてもリモートユーザーの投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob', host: 'example.com' }); // Alice が Bob をフォロー await request('/following/create', { userId: bob.id }, alice); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'localTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); it('ホーム指定の投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'localTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); // ホーム指定 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'home' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); it('フォローしているローカルユーザーのダイレクト投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); // Alice が Bob をフォロー await request('/following/create', { userId: bob.id }, alice); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'localTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); assert.deepStrictEqual(body.text, 'foo'); ws.close(); done(); } }); // Bob が Alice 宛てのダイレクト投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'specified', visibleUserIds: [alice.id] }); })); it('フォローしていないローカルユーザーのフォロワー宛て投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'localTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); // フォロワー宛て投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'followers' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); }); describe('Hybrid Timeline', () => { it('自分の投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const me = await signup(); const ws = await connectStream(me, 'hybridTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, me.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(me, { text: 'foo' }); })); it('フォローしていないローカルユーザーの投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'hybridTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); })); it('フォローしているリモートユーザーの投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob', host: 'example.com' }); // Alice が Bob をフォロー await follow(alice, bob); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'hybridTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); })); it('フォローしていないリモートユーザーの投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob', host: 'example.com' }); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'hybridTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); it('フォローしているユーザーのダイレクト投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); // Alice が Bob をフォロー await request('/following/create', { userId: bob.id }, alice); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'hybridTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); assert.deepStrictEqual(body.text, 'foo'); ws.close(); done(); } }); // Bob が Alice 宛てのダイレクト投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'specified', visibleUserIds: [alice.id] }); })); it('フォローしているユーザーのホーム投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); // Alice が Bob をフォロー await request('/following/create', { userId: bob.id }, alice); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'hybridTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); assert.deepStrictEqual(body.text, 'foo'); ws.close(); done(); } }); // ホーム投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'home' }); })); it('フォローしていないローカルユーザーのホーム投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'hybridTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); // ホーム投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'home' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); it('フォローしていないローカルユーザーのフォロワー宛て投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'hybridTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); // フォロワー宛て投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'followers' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); }); describe('Global Timeline', () => { it('フォローしていないローカルユーザーの投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'globalTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); })); it('フォローしていないリモートユーザーの投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob', host: 'example.com' }); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'globalTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); ws.close(); done(); } }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); })); it('ホーム投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'globalTimeline', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }); // ホーム投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'home' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); }); describe('UserList Timeline', () => { it('リストに入れているユーザーの投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); // リスト作成 const list = await request('/users/lists/create', { name: 'my list' }, alice).then(x => x.body); // Alice が Bob をリスイン await request('/users/lists/push', { listId: list.id, userId: bob.id }, alice); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'userList', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); ws.close(); done(); } }, { listId: list.id }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); })); it('リストに入れていないユーザーの投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); // リスト作成 const list = await request('/users/lists/create', { name: 'my list' }, alice).then(x => x.body); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'userList', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }, { listId: list.id }); post(bob, { text: 'foo' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); // #4471 it('リストに入れているユーザーのダイレクト投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); // リスト作成 const list = await request('/users/lists/create', { name: 'my list' }, alice).then(x => x.body); // Alice が Bob をリスイン await request('/users/lists/push', { listId: list.id, userId: bob.id }, alice); const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'userList', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.userId, bob.id); assert.deepStrictEqual(body.text, 'foo'); ws.close(); done(); } }, { listId: list.id }); // Bob が Alice 宛てのダイレクト投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'specified', visibleUserIds: [alice.id] }); })); // #4335 it('リストに入れているがフォローはしてないユーザーのフォロワー宛て投稿は流れない', () => new Promise(async done => { const alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); const bob = await signup({ username: 'bob' }); // リスト作成 const list = await request('/users/lists/create', { name: 'my list' }, alice).then(x => x.body); // Alice が Bob をリスイン await request('/users/lists/push', { listId: list.id, userId: bob.id }, alice); let fired = false; const ws = await connectStream(alice, 'userList', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { fired = true; } }, { listId: list.id }); // フォロワー宛て投稿 post(bob, { text: 'foo', visibility: 'followers' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fired, false); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); }); describe('Hashtag Timeline', () => { it('指定したハッシュタグの投稿が流れる', () => new Promise(async done => { const me = await signup(); const ws = await connectStream(me, 'hashtag', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { assert.deepStrictEqual(body.text, '#foo'); ws.close(); done(); } }, { q: [ ['foo'] ] }); post(me, { text: '#foo' }); })); it('指定したハッシュタグの投稿が流れる (AND)', () => new Promise(async done => { const me = await signup(); let fooCount = 0; let barCount = 0; let fooBarCount = 0; const ws = await connectStream(me, 'hashtag', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { if (body.text === '#foo') fooCount++; if (body.text === '#bar') barCount++; if (body.text === '#foo #bar') fooBarCount++; } }, { q: [ ['foo', 'bar'] ] }); post(me, { text: '#foo' }); post(me, { text: '#bar' }); post(me, { text: '#foo #bar' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fooCount, 0); assert.strictEqual(barCount, 0); assert.strictEqual(fooBarCount, 1); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); it('指定したハッシュタグの投稿が流れる (OR)', () => new Promise(async done => { const me = await signup(); let fooCount = 0; let barCount = 0; let fooBarCount = 0; let piyoCount = 0; const ws = await connectStream(me, 'hashtag', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { if (body.text === '#foo') fooCount++; if (body.text === '#bar') barCount++; if (body.text === '#foo #bar') fooBarCount++; if (body.text === '#piyo') piyoCount++; } }, { q: [ ['foo'], ['bar'] ] }); post(me, { text: '#foo' }); post(me, { text: '#bar' }); post(me, { text: '#foo #bar' }); post(me, { text: '#piyo' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fooCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(barCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(fooBarCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(piyoCount, 0); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); it('指定したハッシュタグの投稿が流れる (AND + OR)', () => new Promise(async done => { const me = await signup(); let fooCount = 0; let barCount = 0; let fooBarCount = 0; let piyoCount = 0; let waaaCount = 0; const ws = await connectStream(me, 'hashtag', ({ type, body }) => { if (type == 'note') { if (body.text === '#foo') fooCount++; if (body.text === '#bar') barCount++; if (body.text === '#foo #bar') fooBarCount++; if (body.text === '#piyo') piyoCount++; if (body.text === '#waaa') waaaCount++; } }, { q: [ ['foo', 'bar'], ['piyo'] ] }); post(me, { text: '#foo' }); post(me, { text: '#bar' }); post(me, { text: '#foo #bar' }); post(me, { text: '#piyo' }); post(me, { text: '#waaa' }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(fooCount, 0); assert.strictEqual(barCount, 0); assert.strictEqual(fooBarCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(piyoCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(waaaCount, 0); ws.close(); done(); }, 3000); })); }); });