name: "DriveFile" desc: ja-JP: "ドライブのファイル。" en-US: "A file of Drive." props: id: type: "id" optional: false desc: ja-JP: "ファイルID" en-US: "The ID of this file" createdAt: type: "date" optional: false desc: ja-JP: "アップロード日時" en-US: "The upload date of this file" userId: type: "id(User)" optional: false desc: ja-JP: "所有者ID" en-US: "The ID of the owner of this file" user: type: "entity(User)" optional: true desc: ja-JP: "所有者" en-US: "The owner of this file" name: type: "string" optional: false desc: ja-JP: "ファイル名" en-US: "The name of this file" md5: type: "string" optional: false desc: ja-JP: "ファイルのMD5ハッシュ値" en-US: "The md5 hash value of this file" type: type: "string" optional: false desc: ja-JP: "ファイルの種類" en-US: "The type of this file" datasize: type: "number" optional: false desc: ja-JP: "ファイルサイズ(bytes)" en-US: "The size of this file (bytes)" url: type: "string" optional: false desc: ja-JP: "ファイルのURL" en-US: "The URL of this file" folderId: type: "id(DriveFolder)" optional: true desc: ja-JP: "フォルダID" en-US: "The ID of the folder of this file" folder: type: "entity(DriveFolder)" optional: true desc: ja-JP: "フォルダ" en-US: "The folder of this file" isSensitive: type: "boolean" optional: true desc: ja-JP: "このメディアが「閲覧注意」(NSFW)かどうか" en-US: "Whether this media is NSFW"