/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { Entity, Column, PrimaryColumn, Index } from 'typeorm'; import { id } from './util/id.js'; type CondFormulaValueAnd = { type: 'and'; values: RoleCondFormulaValue[]; }; type CondFormulaValueOr = { type: 'or'; values: RoleCondFormulaValue[]; }; type CondFormulaValueNot = { type: 'not'; value: RoleCondFormulaValue; }; type CondFormulaValueIsLocal = { type: 'isLocal'; }; type CondFormulaValueIsRemote = { type: 'isRemote'; }; type CondFormulaValueCreatedLessThan = { type: 'createdLessThan'; sec: number; }; type CondFormulaValueCreatedMoreThan = { type: 'createdMoreThan'; sec: number; }; type CondFormulaValueFollowersLessThanOrEq = { type: 'followersLessThanOrEq'; value: number; }; type CondFormulaValueFollowersMoreThanOrEq = { type: 'followersMoreThanOrEq'; value: number; }; type CondFormulaValueFollowingLessThanOrEq = { type: 'followingLessThanOrEq'; value: number; }; type CondFormulaValueFollowingMoreThanOrEq = { type: 'followingMoreThanOrEq'; value: number; }; type CondFormulaValueNotesLessThanOrEq = { type: 'notesLessThanOrEq'; value: number; }; type CondFormulaValueNotesMoreThanOrEq = { type: 'notesMoreThanOrEq'; value: number; }; export type RoleCondFormulaValue = CondFormulaValueAnd | CondFormulaValueOr | CondFormulaValueNot | CondFormulaValueIsLocal | CondFormulaValueIsRemote | CondFormulaValueCreatedLessThan | CondFormulaValueCreatedMoreThan | CondFormulaValueFollowersLessThanOrEq | CondFormulaValueFollowersMoreThanOrEq | CondFormulaValueFollowingLessThanOrEq | CondFormulaValueFollowingMoreThanOrEq | CondFormulaValueNotesLessThanOrEq | CondFormulaValueNotesMoreThanOrEq; @Entity('role') export class MiRole { @PrimaryColumn(id()) public id: string; @Index() @Column('timestamp with time zone', { comment: 'The created date of the Role.', default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', }) public createdAt: Date; @Column('timestamp with time zone', { comment: 'The updated date of the Role.', }) public updatedAt: Date; @Column('timestamp with time zone', { comment: 'The last used date of the Role.', }) public lastUsedAt: Date; @Column('varchar', { length: 256, }) public name: string; @Column('varchar', { length: 1024, }) public description: string; @Column('varchar', { length: 256, nullable: true, }) public color: string | null; @Column('varchar', { length: 512, nullable: true, }) public iconUrl: string | null; @Column('enum', { enum: ['manual', 'conditional'], default: 'manual', }) public target: 'manual' | 'conditional'; @Column('jsonb', { default: { }, }) public condFormula: RoleCondFormulaValue; @Column('boolean', { default: false, }) public isPublic: boolean; // trueの場合ユーザー名の横にバッジとして表示 @Column('boolean', { default: false, }) public asBadge: boolean; @Column('boolean', { default: false, }) public isModerator: boolean; @Column('boolean', { default: false, }) public isAdministrator: boolean; @Column('boolean', { default: false, }) public isExplorable: boolean; @Column('boolean', { default: false, }) public canEditMembersByModerator: boolean; // UIに表示する際の並び順用(大きいほど先頭) @Column('integer', { default: 0, }) public displayOrder: number; @Column('jsonb', { default: { }, }) public policies: Record; }