import assert, { deepStrictEqual, strictEqual } from 'assert'; import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js'; import { addCustomEmoji, createAccount, type LoginUser, resolveRemoteUser, sleep } from './utils.js'; describe('Emoji', () => { let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser; let bobInA: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe, aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe; beforeAll(async () => { [alice, bob] = await Promise.all([ createAccount('a.test'), createAccount('b.test'), ]); [bobInA, aliceInB] = await Promise.all([ resolveRemoteUser('b.test',, alice), resolveRemoteUser('a.test',, bob), ]); await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: }); await sleep(); }); test('Custom emoji are delivered with Note delivery', async () => { const emoji = await addCustomEmoji('a.test'); await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: `I love :${}:` }); await sleep(); const notes = await bob.client.request('notes/timeline', {}); const noteInB = notes[0]; strictEqual(noteInB.text, `I love \u200b:${}:\u200b`); assert(noteInB.emojis != null); assert( in noteInB.emojis); strictEqual(noteInB.emojis[], emoji.url); }); test('Custom emoji are delivered with Reaction delivery', async () => { const emoji = await addCustomEmoji('a.test'); const note = (await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: 'a' })).createdNote; await sleep(); await alice.client.request('notes/reactions/create', { noteId:, reaction: `:${}:` }); await sleep(); const noteInB = (await bob.client.request('notes/timeline', {}))[0]; deepStrictEqual(noteInB.reactions[`:${}@a.test:`], 1); deepStrictEqual(noteInB.reactionEmojis[`${}@a.test`], emoji.url); }); test('Custom emoji are delivered with Profile delivery', async () => { const emoji = await addCustomEmoji('a.test'); const renewedAlice = await alice.client.request('i/update', { name: `:${}:` }); await sleep(); const renewedaliceInB = await bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: }); strictEqual(,; assert( in renewedaliceInB.emojis); strictEqual(renewedaliceInB.emojis[], emoji.url); }); test('Local-only custom emoji aren\'t delivered with Note delivery', async () => { const emoji = await addCustomEmoji('a.test', { localOnly: true }); await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: `I love :${}:` }); await sleep(); const notes = await bob.client.request('notes/timeline', {}); const noteInB = notes[0]; strictEqual(noteInB.text, `I love \u200b:${}:\u200b`); // deepStrictEqual(noteInB.emojis, {}); // TODO: this fails (why?) deepStrictEqual({ ...noteInB.emojis }, {}); }); test('Local-only custom emoji aren\'t delivered with Reaction delivery', async () => { const emoji = await addCustomEmoji('a.test', { localOnly: true }); const note = (await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: 'a' })).createdNote; await sleep(); await alice.client.request('notes/reactions/create', { noteId:, reaction: `:${}:` }); await sleep(); const noteInB = (await bob.client.request('notes/timeline', {}))[0]; deepStrictEqual({ ...noteInB.reactions }, { '❤': 1 }); deepStrictEqual({ ...noteInB.reactionEmojis }, {}); }); test('Local-only custom emoji aren\'t delivered with Profile delivery', async () => { const emoji = await addCustomEmoji('a.test', { localOnly: true }); const renewedAlice = await alice.client.request('i/update', { name: `:${}:` }); await sleep(); const renewedaliceInB = await bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: }); strictEqual(,; deepStrictEqual({ ...renewedaliceInB.emojis }, {}); }); });