New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

This commit is contained in:
syuilo 2018-11-27 19:33:25 +09:00
parent d9b2aa1880
commit 81f69bff9e
1 changed files with 134 additions and 134 deletions

View File

@ -1194,55 +1194,55 @@ mobile/views/components/drive.vue:
nothing-in-drive: "드라이브에 아무것도 없습니다" nothing-in-drive: "드라이브에 아무것도 없습니다"
folder-is-empty: "폴더가 비어있습니다" folder-is-empty: "폴더가 비어있습니다"
prompt: "무엇을 하시겠습니까? (숫자를 입력하여 주십시오): <1 → 파일 업로드 | 2 → 파일을 URL에서 업로드 | 3 → 폴더 만들기 | 4 → 이 폴더의 이름을 변경 | 5 → 현재 폴더 이동| 6 → 현재 폴더 삭제>" prompt: "무엇을 하시겠습니까? (숫자를 입력하여 주십시오): <1 → 파일 업로드 | 2 → 파일을 URL에서 업로드 | 3 → 폴더 만들기 | 4 → 이 폴더의 이름을 변경 | 5 → 현재 폴더 이동| 6 → 현재 폴더 삭제>"
deletion-alert: "죄송합니다! 폴더의 삭제는 미구현입니다..." deletion-alert: "죄송합니다! 폴더 삭제는 아직 구현되지 않았습니다..."
folder-name: "폴더 이름" folder-name: "폴더 이름"
root-rename-alert: "現在いる場所はルートで、フォルダではないため名前の変更はできません。名前を変更したいフォルダに移動してからやってください。" root-rename-alert: "현재 위치가 루트이고, 폴더가 아니므로 이름을 변경할 수 없습니다. 이름을 바꾸고 싶은 폴더로 이동하여 주십시오."
root-move-alert: "現在いる場所はルートで、フォルダではないため移動はできません。移動したいフォルダに移動してからやってください。" root-move-alert: "현재 위치가 루트이므로, 폴더가 아니므로 이동할 수 없습니다. 이동하고 싶은 폴더로 이동하여 주십시오."
url-prompt: "アップロードしたいファイルのURL" url-prompt: "업로드 하려는 파일의 URL"
uploading: "アップロードをリクエストしました。アップロードが完了するまで時間がかかる場合があります。" uploading: "업로드를 요청하였습니다. 업로드가 완료될 때까지 시간이 소요될 수 있습니다."
mobile/views/components/drive-file-chooser.vue: mobile/views/components/drive-file-chooser.vue:
select-file: "ファイルを選択" select-file: "파일 선택"
mobile/views/components/drive-folder-chooser.vue: mobile/views/components/drive-folder-chooser.vue:
select-folder: "フォルダーを選択" select-folder: "폴더 선택"
mobile/views/components/drive.file.vue: mobile/views/components/drive.file.vue:
nsfw: "閲覧注意" nsfw: "열람주의"
mobile/views/components/drive.file-detail.vue: mobile/views/components/drive.file-detail.vue:
download: "ダウンロード" download: "다운로드"
rename: "名前を変更" rename: "이름 변경"
move: "移動" move: "이동"
hash: "ハッシュ (md5)" hash: "해시 (md5)"
exif: "EXIF" exif: "EXIF"
nsfw: "閲覧注意" nsfw: "열람주의"
mark-as-sensitive: "閲覧注意に設定" mark-as-sensitive: "열람주의로 설정"
unmark-as-sensitive: "閲覧注意を解除" unmark-as-sensitive: "열람주의 해제"
mobile/views/components/media-image.vue: mobile/views/components/media-image.vue:
sensitive: "閲覧注意" sensitive: "열람주의"
click-to-show: "クリックして表示" click-to-show: "클릭하여 표시"
mobile/views/components/media-video.vue: mobile/views/components/media-video.vue:
sensitive: "閲覧注意" sensitive: "열람주의"
click-to-show: "クリックして表示" click-to-show: "클릭하여 표시"
common/views/components/follow-button.vue: common/views/components/follow-button.vue:
following: "フォロー中" following: "팔로우 중"
follow: "フォロー" follow: "팔로우"
request-pending: "フォロー許可待ち" request-pending: "팔로우 허가 대기중"
follow-processing: "フォロー処理中" follow-processing: "팔로우 처리중"
follow-request: "フォロー申請" follow-request: "팔로우 요청"
mobile/views/components/friends-maker.vue: mobile/views/components/friends-maker.vue:
title: "気になるユーザーをフォロー" title: "마음에 드는 사용자를 팔로우"
empty: "おすすめのユーザーは見つかりませんでした。" empty: "추천 사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다."
fetching: "読み込んでいます" fetching: "불러오는 중입니다"
refresh: "もっと見る" refresh: "더 보기"
close: "閉じる" close: "닫기"
mobile/views/components/note.vue: mobile/views/components/note.vue:
private: "この投稿は非公開です" private: "이 글은 비공개입니다"
deleted: "この投稿は削除されました" deleted: "이 글은 삭제되었습니다"
location: "位置情報" location: "위치 정보"
mobile/views/components/note-detail.vue: mobile/views/components/note-detail.vue:
reply: "返信" reply: "답글 달기"
reaction: "リアクション" reaction: "리액션"
private: "この投稿は非公開です" private: "이 글은 비공개입니다"
deleted: "この投稿は削除されました" deleted: "이 글은 삭제되었습니다"
location: "位置情報" location: "위치 정보"
mobile/views/components/note-preview.vue: mobile/views/components/note-preview.vue:
admin: "admin" admin: "admin"
bot: "bot" bot: "bot"
@ -1252,129 +1252,129 @@ mobile/views/components/note-sub.vue:
bot: "bot" bot: "bot"
cat: "cat" cat: "cat"
mobile/views/components/notifications.vue: mobile/views/components/notifications.vue:
empty: "ありません!" empty: "없습니다!"
mobile/views/components/post-form.vue: mobile/views/components/post-form.vue:
add-visible-user: "ユーザーを追加" add-visible-user: "사용자 추가"
submit: "投稿" submit: "글쓰기"
reply: "返信" reply: "답글 달기"
renote: "Renote" renote: "Renote"
quote-placeholder: "この投稿を引用... (オプション)" quote-placeholder: "이 글을 인용... (선택적)"
reply-placeholder: "この投稿への返信..." reply-placeholder: "이 글에 답글..."
cw-placeholder: "内容への注釈 (オプション)" cw-placeholder: "내용 주석 (선택적)"
location-alert: "お使いの端末は位置情報に対応していません" location-alert: "사용하시는 장치가 위치정보 기능에 대응하지 않습니다"
error: "エラー" error: "오류"
username-prompt: "ユーザー名を入力してください" username-prompt: "사용자명을 입력하여 주십시오"
mobile/views/components/sub-note-content.vue: mobile/views/components/sub-note-content.vue:
private: "この投稿は非公開です" private: "이 글은 비공개입니다"
deleted: "この投稿は削除されました" deleted: "이 글은 삭제되었습니다"
media-count: "{}つのメディア" media-count: "{}개의 미디어"
poll: "アンケート" poll: "투표"
mobile/views/components/timeline.vue: mobile/views/components/timeline.vue:
empty: "投稿がありません" empty: "글이 없습니다"
mobile/views/components/ui.header.vue: mobile/views/components/ui.header.vue:
welcome-back: "おかえりなさい、" welcome-back: "돌아오신 걸 환영합니다."
adjective: "さん" adjective: ""
mobile/views/components/ui.nav.vue: mobile/views/components/ui.nav.vue:
timeline: "タイムライン" timeline: "타임라인"
notifications: "通知" notifications: "알림"
follow-requests: "フォロー申請" follow-requests: "팔로우 요청"
search: "検索" search: "검색"
favorites: "お気に入り" favorites: "즐겨찾기"
user-lists: "リスト" user-lists: "리스트"
widgets: "ウィジェット" widgets: "위젯"
game: "ゲーム" game: "게임"
darkmode: "ダークモード" darkmode: "다크 모드"
settings: "設定" settings: "설정"
admin: "管理" admin: "관리"
about: "Misskeyについて" about: "Misskey에 대하여"
mobile/views/components/user-timeline.vue: mobile/views/components/user-timeline.vue:
no-notes: "このユーザーは投稿していないようです。" no-notes: "이 사용자는 작성한 글이 없는 것 같습니다."
no-notes-with-media: "メディア付き投稿はありません。" no-notes-with-media: "미디어가 첨부된 글이 없습니다."
mobile/views/components/users-list.vue: mobile/views/components/users-list.vue:
all: "すべて" all: "모두"
known: "知り合い" known: "아는 사람"
mobile/views/pages/favorites.vue: mobile/views/pages/favorites.vue:
title: "お気に入り" title: "즐겨찾기"
mobile/views/pages/user-lists.vue: mobile/views/pages/user-lists.vue:
title: "リスト" title: "리스트"
enter-list-name: "リスト名を入力してください" enter-list-name: "리스트명을 입력하십시오"
mobile/views/pages/signup.vue: mobile/views/pages/signup.vue:
lets-start: "📦 始めましょう" lets-start: "📦 이제 시작해도 됩니다"
mobile/views/pages/followers.vue: mobile/views/pages/followers.vue:
followers-of: "{name}のフォロワー" followers-of: "{name}의 팔로워"
mobile/views/pages/following.vue: mobile/views/pages/following.vue:
following-of: "{name}のフォロー" following-of: "{name}의 팔로잉"
mobile/views/pages/home.vue: mobile/views/pages/home.vue:
home: "ホーム" home: ""
local: "ローカル" local: "로컬"
hybrid: "ソーシャル" hybrid: "소셜"
global: "グローバル" global: "글로벌"
mentions: "あなた宛て" mentions: "받은 멘션"
messages: "メッセージ" messages: "메시지"
mobile/views/pages/tag.vue: mobile/views/pages/tag.vue:
no-posts-found: "ハッシュタグ「{q}」が付けられた投稿は見つかりませんでした。" no-posts-found: "해시태그 \"{q}\"가 붙은 글을 찾을 수 없습니다."
mobile/views/pages/welcome.vue: mobile/views/pages/welcome.vue:
signup: "新規登録" signup: "신규 등록"
mobile/views/pages/widgets.vue: mobile/views/pages/widgets.vue:
dashboard: "ダッシュボード" dashboard: "대시보드"
widgets-hints: "ウィジェットを追加/削除したり並べ替えたりできます。ウィジェットを移動するには「三」をドラッグします。ウィジェットを削除するには「x」をタップします。いくつかのウィジェットはタップすることで表示を変更できます。" widgets-hints: "위젯을 추가 / 제거하거나 정렬할 수 있습니다. 위젯을 이동하려면 창틀의 \"☰\" 아이콘을 드래그합니다. 위젯을 삭제하려면 \"X\" 아이콘을 탭 합니다. 몇몇 위젯은 탭하면 표시형식을 바꿀 수 있습니다."
add-widget: "追加" add-widget: "추가"
customization-tips: "カスタマイズのヒント" customization-tips: "커스터마이징 도움말"
mobile/views/pages/widgets/activity.vue: mobile/views/pages/widgets/activity.vue:
activity: "アクティビティ" activity: "활동"
mobile/views/pages/share.vue: mobile/views/pages/share.vue:
share-with: "{name}で共有" share-with: "{name}(으)로 공유"
mobile/views/pages/received-follow-requests.vue: mobile/views/pages/received-follow-requests.vue:
title: "フォロー申請" title: "팔로우 요청"
accept: "承認" accept: "승인"
reject: "拒否" reject: "거부"
mobile/views/pages/note.vue: mobile/views/pages/note.vue:
title: "投稿" title: ""
prev: "前の投稿" prev: "이전 글"
next: "次の投稿" next: "다음 글"
mobile/views/pages/notifications.vue: mobile/views/pages/notifications.vue:
notifications: "通知" notifications: "알림"
read-all: "すべての通知を既読にしますか?" read-all: "모든 알림을 읽은 상태로 표시하시겠습니까?"
mobile/views/pages/games/reversi.vue: mobile/views/pages/games/reversi.vue:
reversi: "リバーシ" reversi: "리버시"
mobile/views/pages/search.vue: mobile/views/pages/search.vue:
search: "検索" search: "검색"
not-found: "「{q}」に関する投稿は見つかりませんでした。" not-found: "\"{q}\" 와 일치하는 글을 찾을 수 없습니다."
mobile/views/pages/selectdrive.vue: mobile/views/pages/selectdrive.vue:
select-file: "ファイルを選択" select-file: "파일 선택"
mobile/views/pages/settings.vue: mobile/views/pages/settings.vue:
signed-in-as: "{}としてサインイン中" signed-in-as: "{}(으)로 로그인"
lang: "言語" lang: "언어"
lang-tip: "変更はページの再読み込み後に反映されます。" lang-tip: "변경사항은 페이지를 새로고침한 뒤에 반영됩니다."
recommended: "推奨" recommended: "추천"
auto: "自動" auto: "자동"
specify-language: "言語を指定" specify-language: "언어 지정"
design: "デザインと表示" design: "디자인 및 표시"
dark-mode: "ダークモード" dark-mode: "다크 모드"
i-am-under-limited-internet: "私は通信を制限されている" i-am-under-limited-internet: "저는 통신 대역폭이 제한되어 있습니다"
circle-icons: "円形のアイコンを使用" circle-icons: "원형 아이콘 사용"
contrasted-acct: "ユーザー名にコントラストを付ける" contrasted-acct: "사용자명에 대비 추가"
timeline: "タイムライン" timeline: "타임라인"
show-reply-target: "リプライ先を表示する" show-reply-target: "답글 대상 표시"
show-my-renotes: "自分の行ったRenoteを表示する" show-my-renotes: "자신이 한 Renote 표시"
show-renoted-my-notes: "自分の投稿のRenoteを表示する" show-renoted-my-notes: "자신의 글이 Renote된 것을 표시"
show-local-renotes: "ローカルの投稿のRenoteを表示する" show-local-renotes: "로컬 글의 Renote 표시"
post-style: "投稿の表示スタイル" post-style: "글 표시 스타일"
post-style-standard: "標準" post-style-standard: "표준"
post-style-smart: "スマート" post-style-smart: "스마트"
notification-position: "通知の表示" notification-position: "알림 표시"
notification-position-bottom: "" notification-position-bottom: "아래"
notification-position-top: "" notification-position-top: ""
theme: "テーマ" theme: "테마"
behavior: "動作" behavior: "동작"
fetch-on-scroll: "スクロールで自動読み込み" fetch-on-scroll: "스크롤하여 자동으로 불러오기"
note-visibility: "投稿の公開範囲" note-visibility: "게시물의 공개 범위"
default-note-visibility: "デフォルトの公開範囲" default-note-visibility: "기본 공개 범위"
remember-note-visibility: "投稿の公開範囲を記憶する" remember-note-visibility: "글의 공개 범위를 기억하기"
disable-via-mobile: "「モバイルからの投稿」フラグを付けない" disable-via-mobile: "\"모바일에서 작성함\" 마크를 표시하지 않음"
load-raw-images: "添付された画像を高画質で表示する" load-raw-images: "첨부 이미지를 고품질로 표시"
load-remote-media: "リモートサーバーのメディアを表示する" load-remote-media: "원격 서버의 미디어를 표시"
twitter: "Twitter連携" twitter: "Twitter 연동"
twitter-connect: "Twitterアカウントに接続する" twitter-connect: "Twitterアカウントに接続する"
twitter-reconnect: "再接続する" twitter-reconnect: "再接続する"
twitter-disconnect: "切断する" twitter-disconnect: "切断する"