diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml index 1e7c4730d1..0d2a29edca 100644 --- a/locales/en-US.yml +++ b/locales/en-US.yml @@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ userSaysSomethingAbout: "{name} said something about \"{word}\"" makeActive: "Activate" display: "Display" copy: "Copy" +copiedToClipboard: "Copied to clipboard" metrics: "Metrics" overview: "Overview" logs: "Logs" @@ -1323,7 +1324,21 @@ untitled: "Untitled" noName: "No name" skip: "Skip" restore: "Restore" +syncBetweenDevices: "Sync between devices" +preferenceSyncConflictTitle: "The configured value exists on the server." +preferenceSyncConflictText: "The sync enabled settings will save their values to the server. However, there are existing values on the server. Which set of values would you like to overwrite?" +preferenceSyncConflictChoiceServer: "Configured value on server" +preferenceSyncConflictChoiceDevice: "Configured value on device" +preferenceSyncConflictChoiceCancel: "Cancel enabling sync" +paste: "Paste" +emojiPalette: "Emoji palette" postForm: "Posting form" +textCount: "Character count" +_emojiPalette: + palettes: "Palette" + enableSyncBetweenDevicesForPalettes: "Enable palette sync between devices" + paletteForMain: "Main palette" + paletteForReaction: "Reaction palette" _settings: driveBanner: "You can manage and configure the drive, check usage, and configure file upload settings." pluginBanner: "You can extend client features with plugins. You can install plugins, configure and manage individually." @@ -1341,6 +1356,9 @@ _settings: preferencesBanner: "You can configure the overall behavior of the client according to your preferences." appearanceBanner: "You can configure the appearance and display settings for the client according to your preferences." soundsBanner: "You can configure the sound settings for playback in the client." + timelineAndNote: "Timeline and note" + makeEveryTextElementsSelectable: "Make all text elements selectable" + makeEveryTextElementsSelectable_description: "Enabling this may reduce usability in some situations." _preferencesProfile: profileName: "Profile name" profileNameDescription: "Set a name that identifies this device." @@ -2505,6 +2523,7 @@ _notification: achievementEarned: "Achievement unlocked" exportCompleted: "The export has been completed" login: "Sign In" + createToken: "Create access token" test: "Notification test" app: "Notifications from linked apps" _actions: @@ -2532,6 +2551,7 @@ _deck: useSimpleUiForNonRootPages: "Use simple UI for navigated pages" usedAsMinWidthWhenFlexible: "Minimum width will be used for this when the \"Auto-adjust width\" option is enabled" flexible: "Auto-adjust width" + enableSyncBetweenDevicesForProfiles: "Enable profile information sync between devices" _columns: main: "Main" widgets: "Widgets"