test: account api のUnitテストを追加

This commit is contained in:
usbharu 2023-12-07 10:32:54 +09:00
parent b3002625a4
commit 00c6fbf2a0
2 changed files with 346 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -125,4 +125,20 @@ class MastodonAccountApiControllerTest {
.andExpect { header { string("location", "/users/hoge") } }
.andExpect { status { isFound() } }
fun `apiV1AccountsIdFollowPost フォロー成功時は200が返ってくる`() {
val createEmptyContext = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext()
createEmptyContext.authentication = JwtAuthenticationToken(
Jwt.withTokenValue("a").header("alg", "RS236").claim("uid", "1234").build()
.post("/api/v1/accounts/1/follow") {
contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON
.andExpect { status { isOk() } }

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@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
package dev.usbharu.hideout.mastodon.service.account
import dev.usbharu.hideout.application.external.Transaction
import dev.usbharu.hideout.core.domain.model.user.UserRepository
import dev.usbharu.hideout.core.query.FollowerQueryService
import dev.usbharu.hideout.core.service.user.UserService
import dev.usbharu.hideout.domain.mastodon.model.generated.Account
import dev.usbharu.hideout.domain.mastodon.model.generated.Relationship
import dev.usbharu.hideout.domain.mastodon.model.generated.Status
import dev.usbharu.hideout.mastodon.query.StatusQueryService
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith
import org.mockito.InjectMocks
import org.mockito.Mock
import org.mockito.Spy
import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension
import org.mockito.kotlin.*
import utils.TestTransaction
class AccountApiServiceImplTest {
private lateinit var accountService: AccountService
private lateinit var userService: UserService
private lateinit var userRepository: UserRepository
private lateinit var followerQueryService: FollowerQueryService
private lateinit var statusQueryService: StatusQueryService
private val transaction: Transaction = TestTransaction
private lateinit var accountApiServiceImpl: AccountApiServiceImpl
private val statusList = listOf(
id = "",
uri = "",
createdAt = "",
account = Account(
id = "",
username = "",
acct = "",
url = "",
displayName = "",
note = "",
avatar = "",
avatarStatic = "",
header = "",
headerStatic = "",
locked = false,
fields = emptyList(),
emojis = emptyList(),
bot = false,
group = false,
discoverable = true,
createdAt = "",
lastStatusAt = "",
statusesCount = 0,
followersCount = 0,
noindex = false,
moved = false,
suspendex = false,
limited = false,
followingCount = 0
content = "",
visibility = Status.Visibility.public,
sensitive = false,
spoilerText = "",
mediaAttachments = emptyList(),
mentions = emptyList(),
tags = emptyList(),
emojis = emptyList(),
reblogsCount = 0,
favouritesCount = 0,
repliesCount = 0,
url = "https://example.com",
inReplyToId = null,
inReplyToAccountId = null,
language = "ja_JP",
text = "Test",
editedAt = null
fun `accountsStatuses 非ログイン時は非公開投稿を見れない`() = runTest {
val userId = 1234L
accountId = eq(userId),
maxId = isNull(),
sinceId = isNull(),
minId = isNull(),
limit = eq(20),
onlyMedia = eq(false),
excludeReplies = eq(false),
excludeReblogs = eq(false),
pinned = eq(false),
tagged = isNull(),
includeFollowers = eq(false)
val accountsStatuses = accountApiServiceImpl.accountsStatuses(
userid = userId,
maxId = null,
sinceId = null,
minId = null,
limit = 20,
onlyMedia = false,
excludeReplies = false,
excludeReblogs = false,
pinned = false,
tagged = null,
loginUser = null
verify(followerQueryService, never()).alreadyFollow(any(), any())
fun `accountsStatuses ログイン時フォロワーじゃない場合は非公開投稿を見れない`() = runTest {
val userId = 1234L
val loginUser = 1L
accountId = eq(userId),
maxId = isNull(),
sinceId = isNull(),
minId = isNull(),
limit = eq(20),
onlyMedia = eq(false),
excludeReplies = eq(false),
excludeReblogs = eq(false),
pinned = eq(false),
tagged = isNull(),
includeFollowers = eq(false)
whenever(followerQueryService.alreadyFollow(eq(userId), eq(loginUser))).doReturn(false)
val accountsStatuses = accountApiServiceImpl.accountsStatuses(
userid = userId,
maxId = null,
sinceId = null,
minId = null,
limit = 20,
onlyMedia = false,
excludeReplies = false,
excludeReblogs = false,
pinned = false,
tagged = null,
loginUser = loginUser
fun `accountsStatuses ログイン時フォロワーの場合は非公開投稿を見れる`() = runTest {
val userId = 1234L
val loginUser = 2L
accountId = eq(userId),
maxId = isNull(),
sinceId = isNull(),
minId = isNull(),
limit = eq(20),
onlyMedia = eq(false),
excludeReplies = eq(false),
excludeReblogs = eq(false),
pinned = eq(false),
tagged = isNull(),
includeFollowers = eq(true)
whenever(followerQueryService.alreadyFollow(eq(userId), eq(loginUser))).doReturn(true)
val accountsStatuses = accountApiServiceImpl.accountsStatuses(
userid = userId,
maxId = null,
sinceId = null,
minId = null,
limit = 20,
onlyMedia = false,
excludeReplies = false,
excludeReblogs = false,
pinned = false,
tagged = null,
loginUser = loginUser
fun `follow 既にフォローしている場合は何もしない`() = runTest {
val userId = 1234L
val followeeId = 1L
whenever(followerQueryService.alreadyFollow(eq(followeeId), eq(userId))).doReturn(true)
whenever(followerQueryService.alreadyFollow(eq(userId), eq(followeeId))).doReturn(true)
whenever(userRepository.findFollowRequestsById(eq(followeeId), eq(userId))).doReturn(false)
val follow = accountApiServiceImpl.follow(userId, followeeId)
val expected = Relationship(
id = followeeId.toString(),
following = true,
showingReblogs = true,
notifying = false,
followedBy = true,
blocking = false,
blockedBy = false,
muting = false,
mutingNotifications = false,
requested = false,
domainBlocking = false,
endorsed = false,
note = ""
verify(userService, never()).followRequest(any(), any())
fun `follow 未フォローの場合フォローリクエストが発生する`() = runTest {
val userId = 1234L
val followeeId = 1L
whenever(followerQueryService.alreadyFollow(eq(followeeId), eq(userId))).doReturn(false)
whenever(userService.followRequest(eq(followeeId), eq(userId))).doReturn(true)
whenever(followerQueryService.alreadyFollow(eq(userId), eq(followeeId))).doReturn(true)
whenever(userRepository.findFollowRequestsById(eq(followeeId), eq(userId))).doReturn(false)
val follow = accountApiServiceImpl.follow(userId, followeeId)
val expected = Relationship(
id = followeeId.toString(),
following = true,
showingReblogs = true,
notifying = false,
followedBy = true,
blocking = false,
blockedBy = false,
muting = false,
mutingNotifications = false,
requested = false,
domainBlocking = false,
endorsed = false,
note = ""
verify(userService, times(1)).followRequest(eq(followeeId), eq(userId))
fun `relationships idが長すぎたら省略する`() = runTest {
whenever(followerQueryService.alreadyFollow(any(), any())).doReturn(true)
whenever(userRepository.findFollowRequestsById(any(), any())).doReturn(true)
val relationships = accountApiServiceImpl.relationships(
userid = 1234L,
id = (1..30L).toList(),
withSuspended = false
fun `relationships id0の場合即時return`() = runTest {
val relationships = accountApiServiceImpl.relationships(
userid = 1234L,
id = emptyList(),
withSuspended = false
verify(followerQueryService, never()).alreadyFollow(any(), any())
verify(userRepository, never()).findFollowRequestsById(any(), any())
fun `relationships idに指定されたアカウントの関係を取得する`() = runTest {
whenever(followerQueryService.alreadyFollow(any(), any())).doReturn(true)
whenever(userRepository.findFollowRequestsById(any(), any())).doReturn(true)
val relationships = accountApiServiceImpl.relationships(
userid = 1234L,
id = (1..15L).toList(),
withSuspended = false